Today is day two of being back at college! I am super pumped for this year and especially because I am going to be a Residence Assistant, and we had a full day of training for that today. It has been amazing so far and it is only day 2. Anybody who knows anything about writers and RAs would never pick one person to do both things. RAs are known for their outgoing personality and (specifically at my college), they are mentors to the guys or girl on their hall. That means leading meetings, having hard conversations with students, and sometimes punishing them for breaking the rules. None of those things coincide with the attributes of a writer. Many writers are introverts and most RAs are extroverts. This is going to be a very interesting year for me.

I have begun creating a schedule for how I am going to blog every other day, work on any writing projects I have, read, stay healthy, do school and RA stuff. That list seems really long as I actually see it written down! I am going to be so busy, but it is going to be a good busy, and I can’t wait for my routine to be in place. Especially my writing routine, which I said in an earlier blog, is something that is hard for me. I am going to try to set one hour of my day aside to writing time that isn’t late at night because I am going to cherish as much sleep as I can. I am adamant that I will not let my writing ambition decrease because I am tight on time.

The best thing about being a writer and living on campus at college is the material I can get just from listening in the hallways or during class. Now I will say now that I never sit down somewhere just to listen in on people’s conversations, to me that feels like an invasion of privacy. I usually take small blurps of conversations that I will hear while I’m eating lunch in the cafeteria or when I am walking behind people when going to class. Then I will jot down a note of the conversation or if I remember it I will write it down word for word. When I get back into my room then I will alter and spice up what I had written down so I am not taking peoples actual words, just the idea of what they were talking about. But I find those are some of the best writing prompts because they can be bizarre and so real because it came from real people talking to their friends. Being at colleges and just being surrounded by so many types of people is a writers dream, especially when a writer can just people watch without it being weird.

I have quite a few writing projects that I have been working on over the summer and I will start to share some of those on here and show you the surface of my mind as I work on something which is something I have never done. I am not very vocal about my writing so sharing things is something that is out of my comfort zone but I am also excited about it. I think that is going to be my emotions for the first month or so of school, “I am scared but also really excited about it”.

Quote of the day: “Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.” ― Neil Gaiman